8 years ago
why is our love tests different how can he be more attractive to me? he doesn't even pay attention to me!he hangs out with all of my friends except me. I don't even have friends anymore cause apparently i talk too much but, really i just sit there being quiet while my friends are there trying to have him to their selves. i only have 3 friends now, every time i try to talk to him he gets bothered by the girls.
" One day you will love me, the way I loved you. One day you will think of me the way I thought of you. One day you will cry ... " » Full Quote
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sinner
Author: Ashley Ng★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
You are a sinner in the church, Who are masqueraded as a gentleman, And lie to the maiden, With your honey speech, You are a fallen angel, ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |