
12 years ago

What do I do if I like him but we dont talk as much as we used to? We went out for three months and it was really good. Now we dont talk and I'm miserable.

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  • Pav
    12 years ago

    Hi Nicole,

    Its unclear why you guys are apart after 3months. But, if u really want everything back, then you must make effort to talk to him.
    All the Best

  • 12 years ago

    Hi nicole,
    diz is the though 1 bt let me gav a hand kae....u jz call him 4 a cup of tea 1 day......n carry 2 roses along with u.....yellow n red colour n tel him 2 choose which colour will he choose....if it is red then he 2 love u......there you'll meet him n know his feelings 4 u......

" What is the point of showing all the love you have to someone who does not even appreciate it... "

- ~Sharista~</3» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Your Love Is Like Ecstasy

Author: Craven Dukes★★★
Drowning in the ocean of you and through the
warmth of the water, your eyes are the only
ones I see.
Your eyes feel like a warm breath taking ray
of light. ...(Cont.)