I really like this guy, we used to be good friends until last year when I fell in love with him. I scared him and it's never been quite the same since. I still really like him...scratch that.....i am madly in love with him but he's in love with my best friend. I haven't been able to pluck up the courage to do anything for fear it will happen again. I've been trying to forget but i see him nearly everyday, my heart starts fluttering and it hurts so much to know he can't love me back. Also to make matters worse a guy who was so kind to me after I hit a all time low, he made me feel good about myself. I thought he was just a friend but he really likes me. He asked me to the christmas dance, i stupidly agreed thinking only as friends. It's becoming more apparent he want's to ask me out but I can't like him back because i love this other guy. I don't know what to do my whole life seems to be a joke. Nothing makes sense, i love this guy so much but i don't want to hurt my friend. Please help me make sense of everything. weegirl
13 years ago
Weegirl, me- or no one can tell you wat 2 do. Only you can decide. Are u gonna let yr life slip away and never date again just because u think u may have a chance with someone else?
13 years ago
Weegirl, me- or no one can tell you wat 2 do. Only you can decide. Are u gonna let yr life slip away and never date again just because u think u may have a chance with someone
else?It isn't I don't want to try new things or meet new people, I will not play my friend make him believe I love him if I don't. That's cruel. I need advice please help .
13 years ago
and plus I love him soooo much i can't say.
13 years ago
my name ia ashwin b iam nw.i here typying al this to tel u my love story which i had since my chilhood started from 13 yrs of age when i was in 8th std.so here iam saying u abt my love failure & al life issues this is not to mk 1 fel glad to mk thm knw my past if they r interested to kw me well.i finished my 7th std in another school thn i cam to this school its name is knhs its near by my home & da school i was in 7th is presidency.first of all i like to introduce my dear close frd shyamjith he was my close & dera frd from tht time to now 10 yrs.we wre very clse likewise after the 7th std he too came to join knhs in 8th.it was starting class es in 8th of that school when we enjoyed it,we actually were knowing people only by the time i got another frd in tht school in my class his name is anoop,so we 3 got frds & enjoyed the days so this guy anoop is a gals seeker like to love ,put line like to flirt with thm but not on real he is shy guy.so 1 day he asked me u hav e
" Relationship is not just a word, It's perfect match between two souls, It's a silent commitment, Which says, I will be with ... " » Full Quote
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Love Poem - En Kadhali
Author: Phoenix babu★★★ |
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