Eyesights Love since 4 years .

13 years ago

I am in love with a guy in my school since four years . We used to see eachother every week in the mall with his family and mine by coincednce . He made me notice him by being confused and sometime s run everytime he sees me :S . He denied everything and he said i don't love her and never will i . I caught him looking and seacrching for me couple of times . He can't talk with girls propably when i am infront of him . Everytime as a friend when i ask about him and sends a msg for him he doesnt reply and never will ask or enter to start a conversation . Why is he doing that ? what does that mean ? :(

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" love is something which we see through our eyes immensely. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is

Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★
Love Is special
Love Is fine
It sends warms shimmers
Down my spine
His touch is like ...(Cont.)