Does he like me?

8 years ago

Ok so there is this guy I have liked for like 2 years and he's sweet and he lets me lay my head on his shoulder on the bus when he knows I'm tired after a long day and when I'm upset he asks until he finds out what's wrong then fixes it by making me laugh and telling me I'm very pretty blush anyway I am SUPER clueless and I need help plz!! I have no idea if he likes me and if he does how do I get him to tell me

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" An ANGEL sitting in front of me.. E'm thinking what if she looks at me! E'm here.,fully blank..out of form! Scared to ... " » Full Quote

- Sid Moolimani» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings

Author: Stephen★★★
love feels good you cant take it all at
onece. lots of people wil love you. some
people sweet talk for love some just be nice.
you should share,love,care alot for some one
alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.)