How Much You Know About Me? Friendship Test

This is the How Much You Know Me Test, a test which will help you find out how much your friends and your dear ones know about you. Its a very simple test. Just prepare a questionnaire, select your options and send them to you friends and other people and ask them to respond to your questionnaire. You can also prepare your questionnaire from the list of preset questions.

Thats it!! Now when your friends respond to your questionnaire, the result will be send to you. You can compare their response with your answers and find out how much they know about you.

So, Are You Ready To Take The Test?

Follow these 3 simple steps

Step 1 Create Your Questionnaire

You can choose the questions from the already given questions or you can create your own questions. Enter the correct answer in the first text area and up to three more choices to make the questionnaire objective.

Step 2 Sent Questionnaire To Your Friends through email

Once the questionnaire is created, you can email it to your friends and ask them to respond to the questions.Your friends can visit this site and respond to your questions.

Step 3 Get the test results in your inbox

As and when your friend respond to your questionnaire,an email will be sent to you from our site which will contain the test result.

Click the link below to create a new questionnaire


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