Sad Love Quotes - Painful Love Failure Quotes

These sad love quotes, are verbal expressions of a subtle heart that has been carrying a huge load of pain and are the true feelings of broken heart and love failure.

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More Heart broken quotes and sad love quotes

  • My heart cried in deep pain...

    In the memory of my love in vain...

    She must also cry one day...

    Either in storm or in rain...

    And you will feel then....

    What is true loves importance...

    But till then, I will be no more...

    To stand by your side, dear anymore...


    I want to be HER SO you would LOVE ME too.. :(

  • better to keep this broken heart pieces as it is rather then joining it so that someone else shatters it again.

  • Most of the times you lie, You break my heart, you make me cry, There are times when we fall Apart, But still it's only YOU in my heart.... I LOVE YOU FOREVER.

  • life is never about the people who act in front of you..

    it is always about the people who remain true behind ur back..

  • I want you, but you have her.

    I want to make her disappear.

    I wish she was never in your life.

    I wish I was her, but I wouldn't have hurt you, the way she did.

    I have tried my hardest,

    I have waited way to long.

    Should I move on,

    Or should i wait forever.

  • ‎__ Hates the feeling were you love someone who used to love you...and hates it when you know there isn't anythng you can do to get them back....:(

    aliena miriam
  • i've never forgotten to love you,,but i've forgotten to show you that....

  • Off all the lies you said to me..

    "I love You"was my favourite one...


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