will i get marry to whom i love

10 years ago

i want to know will i get marry to whom i love, that guy name is amit. we love each other too much, but now this guy amit is going to marry a girl named Dikshita bcoz of his parents wish. so i want to know will i get back to my love and will we tie in the knot of marriage

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  • 10 years ago

    you will not I am sorry but you will find some one ells I am sher

  • 10 years ago

    hey how are you guys i'm in love with sombody he dont know i love him so should i say to him i love you

" Didn't you know that people hide love like a flower too precious to be picked ? "

- Wu Ti» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Power

Author: Gudoo★★★
my phone is ringing..... she is on the
line.... i talk .. she listens .. she talks
.. I listen .. then she keeps talking ....
but I can't listen ... because there is no
power left .... but for the power I would ...(Cont.)