I just saw a discussion titled 'why guys always cheat?'. Thought guyz should retaliate by discussing this question "WHY GALS ALWAYS CHEAT IN RELATIONSHIPS".
14 years ago
You talking nonsense. No girl cheat in relationship. They love with whole heart. Boys always cheat. You can trust girl in love but not by in love. I have experience.
14 years ago
Oh, Comeon!! Deception is in their blood. They seek opportunity. Its a wrong impression that only men cheat in a relationship. When a woman cheat on her husband, it remains a secret as men never complain. But women on the other hand gives maximum publicity to such incidence.
14 years ago
Cheating in a relationship is too bad, be it man or women. Dumping once lover over minor disputes is even worse. Problems should be sort out. Sit and talk, there is no issue which cannot be settled. The fact still remains, Men Cheat so does women.
14 years ago
You talking nonsense. No girl cheat in relationship. They love with whole heart. Boys always cheat. You can trust girl in love but not by in love. I have experience.
hi this is teja.what i want to tell u is no boy or no girl is perfect in love they both make mistake the problem is understanding each other wrongly
14 years ago
You talking nonsense. No girl cheat in relationship. They love with whole heart. Boys always cheat. You can trust girl in love but not by in love. I have experience.
Girls do cheat i have suffered a lot from this and that first love make my life hell because now i cant love any one else........
14 years ago
women cheats in a relationship ... that very true!but we don't have to take it as a reason to hate a particular women for this ...if someone get to know that his girl is cheating to him,then he should try to find out the reason for that and take out the solution....but sometime girl make this her habit to cheat each and every guy because at this stage she is very sure about her thought that she is a good planner,lair,etc but when she gets out of that stage she found nobody around her to talk about her pain and desire.she got totally vanished and destroyed by herself.
" Love is a unusual game, either there are 2 winners or none.................... "
- ............. cho2» Love Quotes
Love Poem - I Wish I Was There
Author: Jake Rhea★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing your voice The life that swirls around me now is just blank noise Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |