what to do when...

13 years ago

what do you do when you have a boyfriend but your in love with someone else who has a girlfriend... but you too hooked up? and you know he likes you but know matter what he goes back to his girlfriend?

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  • 13 years ago

    You can try it with this guy but as you said hell go back to his girlfriend no matter what. I vote you forget all about him, dump your current boyfriend and move on if you aren't happy xxx

  • 13 years ago

    do what your haert tell you to do if you like him more then you like the other one!!!!!!! i don't know i will not do it if you do it wiil start a hold conflit with the to of you. so be wis about this ok think for a sceac it wiil come to you

  • 13 years ago

    Well just tell ur boyfriend the truth but do not enterfier with the other guys girlfriend because that can cause major trouble

" The first time you fall in love, it changes your life for ever...and no matter how hard you try the feeling never goes away "

- Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Your Love Is Like Ecstasy

Author: Craven Dukes★★★
Drowning in the ocean of you and through the
warmth of the water, your eyes are the only
ones I see.
Your eyes feel like a warm breath taking ray
of light. ...(Cont.)