what should i do

11 years ago

What do u do if ur boyfriend ask u to hug him I'm confused now do you say yes or no will it hurt our relashinship if I say no

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  • 11 years ago

    if he is a believable u can hug him..but u must be sure that he loves u...

  • 11 years ago

    Well if your are in a relationship I suggest that it would be perfectly fine to hug him. Maybe he needs comfort if he had a bad day... or maybe he just really loves you and want to show his affection through a hug. I think you shouldn't say yes or no... just hug him. Although, if you do not feel comfortable hugging him maybe your relationship is going quite too fast for you, and if so this, you should just be honest to him and tell him the relationship is going to fast for you. Honesty is what most men want from a true relationship. So be honest and tell him. Consider these ideas ;)

" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is

Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★
Love Is special
Love Is fine
It sends warms shimmers
Down my spine
His touch is like ...(Cont.)