hi, i have this huge crush with a guy. Im in grade 8 and he's in grade 12, its his last year. He knows that I have feelings for him, since my sister told him. but he's doing nothing about it. However, there are sometimes that he would look at me across the hall, i felt it. There are many things he did, and it felt like as he likes me too. But sometimes he doesn't do these things. How do i know if he likes me too? or if he doesn't. Its his last year and i wouldn't want to waste any more time. I would regret this very much if nothing is ever going to happen between me and him. PLEASE HELP. How do i proof this? or should i just go up to him and ask? does that sound too crazy? hahha. He's a really cute guy and according to my sister, he's really nice. And also, would it be weird if we're in a relationship? i mean, he's a senior and im only in grade 8. thanks for helping ^^
13 years ago
IT WOULD BE SOOO WIERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya shouldn't date him cuz you alot younger than him and thats just wierd! i understand ya like him but its to wierd to date a senior when your in 8th grade!!!!
13 years ago
Hey Sam,
It ain't weird, but I'D rather say you're probably having a crush on him. Taking your age into consideration, you're just feeling carried away 'coz of his looks and 'nice nature'. So, I'd say ditch the idea of dating.
P.S. You can flash a smile at him, the next time he looks at you! LoL
13 years ago
If he doesn't show any intrest, you need to move on girl. There are sooooo many other guys out there!!! Besides he way to old for you. What would your parents say? Okay, to sum it all up:
Move on and find some1 your own age!!!
13 years ago
okay. there's a few things to take into consideration here... 1 is he even that cute? 2: I know your probably thinking "when hes 35 ill be 30 it's no big deal"... yes it is. 3: that's kinda gross and if he shows interest it's probably because he can't get anyone his own age.. (no offense) 4: think of it.. 5 years of guys in between you guys you have so many to choose from why him? im not going to be like KATY up there and say your too younge and stupid and "what would your parents say" (llove you katy) but any way 5:USE YOUR BETTER JUDGEMENT AND COMMON SENSE!!!! no sex
13 years ago
bitch, i've been ther, done that. Sam thinks she's in love, but she doesn't know what it is yet. she'll find the right guy someday, and i can almost guarentee this ass isn't him sooooooooooooooooooooo bug off and stop givng tips any dumb ass knows okay?
" this is for you on this special day you opened up my heart showed me tha way i love you to bits mare than words can ... " » Full Quote
- surbhi rani» Love Quotes
Love Poem - I Wish I Was There
Author: Jake Rhea★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing your voice The life that swirls around me now is just blank noise Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |