What Are The Steps to get close to your crush?

10 years ago

how can i get close to my crush ? should i be his friend first or just go with it and become GF and BF with him ? I'm very confused about my feelings, sometimes i love him and sometimes i hate him and i always ignore and avoid him, is this bad ?

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  • 10 years ago

    I personally feel you should start about by being friends. But not just any type of friends. become friends that will only go from friends to boyfriend & girlfriend. in other words try to not get friend zoned. & you should try & figure out how you feel first, & then see where that takes you.

" If loving you is wrong, i don't want to be right... "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Gold Minded Lover

Author: Appleonia brown★★★
im like a gold minded person,but only gold
minded for you.not holding back until i get a
hold of you.