i love a girl.... i thnk shes d exact match fr me..! v have nver seen each other.. jst cum close via facebook.......! nw its one year fr our frndship relation...... n i love her n i thnk she also. but she dsnt shows it.... or express it.. as even shes is scared of commiting d stranger....!
wht shuld i do to knw confirmly k she too loves me as i do....!
i dun care if hw v meet..... jst need k she too loves me....!
a bit of misundrstngs in between us bt tht coz v havent met yet once......!
soo wht shuld i do too knw kshe too loves me or nt?
n wht shuld ido to knw her better......?
to make her feell secured.?
make her smile.....laugh........n hapyyy........a lot..........1?????
iwnt k shes would b dmost happiest girl on d earth n can do ny thng fr tht.!
plz tell me.!
m jst confused..1????
" If I was given a choice between eternal life or A day with you, I would chose to spend a day with you. For I know that day ... " » Full Quote
- Odaine Démar » Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |