So, i really like this guy ever since i meet him, he is so like me outgoing,funny,relaxed, and very sweet. We used to go to the same school 3years ago but he moved, we have been talking couple of times here and there but recently before school started we started talking agaain. We text everyday and talk on the phone every single night its been four months but we are not going out. Im starting to like him more and more each day but the thing is he goes to another school and he is one year younger then me, so i dont know what he be doing over ther or anything idk if i should keep this up or just let him be i really dont want to get hurt. What should i do??
12 years ago
due to the fact you dont see each other i would just be friends as a relationship would be very difficult. i can tell you like this boy and are good friends with him already so it can be quite simple to have a flirty fun relationship but still only be friends. You can still be with him but without the stress of being in a relationship.
" The first time you fall in love, it changes your life for ever...and no matter how hard you try the feeling never goes away "
- Unknown» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love Is
Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Love Is special Love Is fine It sends warms shimmers Down my spine His touch is like ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |