I had an arrange marriage and will complete 3 years this may. My husband is a very loving and caring person. but is more of a mother attached person. He gets dominated by her at times and does not seem to side me whenever she insults or dominates over me. I tried to advise him to let us both stay seperated from his parents but he refused after he was brain wahsed by her and his fly. Even now that since 1 year we have shifted to our new home, both his parents are with us and have given thier earlier place on rent. He is the only son and has an elder sister who is married and even her husband interferes with our married life and descisions at times. They try to influence him a lot. His mother always comes with us many a times when we go out like to church and some visits etc. Please tell me what to do?
12 years ago
try 2 take it easy wt them n pray 2 God 2 intervane 4 u 2 enjoy ur marriage
12 years ago
try 2 b gud 2 dem n giv dm ua love n respct whch dey deserve....c u dnt have ne more fyt wid ua mother in law....
12 years ago
Hello Savina,
Advance Happy Anniversary.
"A NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE SHOULD IF POSSIBLE SHOULD ALWAYS CONSIDER TO STAY TOGETHER AWAY FROM FAMILY ATLEAST FOR TWO YEARS TO UNDERSTAND N GAIN CONFIDENCE IN LIFE, DOMINANCE/INTERFERING BY OTHERS IS BAD. MOST IMPORTANTLY THIS SPECIAL TIME NEVER COMES IN LIFE AGAIN! "**I agree with you, You both must stay separated from ur families. Dont worry about the society, the future is you and ur husband, other people are not gonna stay long in ur lives.So, its very very important that you guys should have time to spend with eachother n stop other people interfering into ur personal matters/decisions.
Plz have patience Savina, mother in laws house is always hard to handle. There are only three things happen in mother in laws house, 1) Mother in law and daughter in law get really acquainted. 2) Mother in law and daughter in law never get peace with eachother. 3) Daughter in law gets fixed between husband and his mother.
Try to
12 years ago
Try to encourage him to get a job in different place, move to other state may be. If they are to old, plz dont leave them. but if they can survive without u guys then i guess u should guys should move.
Quality time, Love, Understanding is very very very important in a marriage, Atleast for an year or two wife n husband must be separate from the family if possible.
Yes, his elder sisters husband should not interfere in your personal matters. Ask him to buzz off plz. He has no right Unless the matter concerns whole family. Next time u can ask him to shut up n stop making decisions for you.
I hope you could stay separated for some time atleast. To find the magic and love again. Dominance is not good.
"Most importantly love your husbands family no lesser than your own family" this can be 50% of the solution.
" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - En Kadhali
Author: Phoenix babu★★★ |
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