13 years ago
how can i understand a scorpion??i am a leo..we both are dominant..but i love him very much..he recently breaks up his 1st love..can he be able to forget his 1st love?has he feelings for me?he wants my frndship now..but everyone knows that he is characterless,flirter n liar..bt i cant tolerate this words about him..bcs i think destiny wants us to be together...but he is very confused n critical person.i m feeling upset.
13 years ago
m feeling 2 same happening with me>>>>> :(
" Love is a unusual game, either there are 2 winners or none.................... "
- ............. cho2» Love Quotes
Love Poem - An Illness
Author: Huney'Beeh★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
This pain in my heart that I can't explain, Each day this pain I gain and gain Wish you were with me But this is what we call destiny. You can't always get what you want ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |