Should I worry?

13 years ago

Will my marraige of 21 years last another 10 years even though we are now separated.We have been living in different states for 8 months but we still see each other on occasions. He is currently living with another woman but says they don't sleep together. He is just there cause he has no where else to go. He wants us to get back together.Is there a chance still for me and him.Should I trust him.

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  • I don't think you guys should get back together especially if it is a Domestic violence and it involves children. If he is telling you he is living with another women and he is not sleeping with her, he is definetly lying to you. This man has always had that women in that state just like he has you in what ever state you are living in at this time. Mommy Be real careful what happen to cause you guys to split up in the first and many times before he will never change. I know for a fact. His family will always protect him when it comes down to it. REEKa take this as your wake up call. You can do it by yourself. Reeka your not a ugly women so you should not settle for less, you and your children.

  • Reeka so many women stay in marriage for all the wrong reasons at times. You are strong Black women and you have beautiful children that depend on your positive guidance. DO you want your sons to grow up mentally abusing women as well as physically? What about your daughters do you want them to think its ok fo a man to not only mentally but physically abuse them, all because they saw daddy do it to moms? I dont think so, what you need to do is to make your Parents and children proud for once and stand up to this man and say no more. Try to diminish all calls and contact if possible until you are strong enough to deal with his nonsense, or it will just be a repeat until he finally kills you or a love one.

  • 13 years ago

    I wouldn't trust him if he loved u he would get back with u soon that is a long time together and good luck

" Why did you have to go and leave me with so much to remember You were the only thing that ever mattered to me and I just ... " » Full Quote

- Hollie Rule» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Missing You

Author: Harani★★★★
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes
which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u
cant read d eyes which loves yo