should i trust him

14 years ago

i have an abusive boyfriend but i love him and we have a baby together and i cant help but accept his apology everytime and recently he hid that he was dancing with another girl that i dont approve of him talking to at club while im over here with my family in nebraska should i trust that he's behaving
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  • 14 years ago

    well i see what you mean and you need to have a talk with him and his family and your family or just wit an person so that he cant hit you you need to tell him"look you have a baby with me and you are going out and talking and dancing with other girls at clubs while i am sitting here watching OUR baby you need to realize we have a baby together and u need to realize times up and you party like this no more be a man we have a kid together i am here for you becuz i love you" that is what i think you need to say

  • 14 years ago

    I think you should talk about it with your family and his family because if this goes on then your life is in his hands. You need to tell him straight that you and him have a baby and ask him if the baby came out with no love. ask him questions about his love for you. if you don't ask then he won't ever stop this you have to tell him how much you love him and if he does this more then just leave him. it'll show that he don't love you. what's the point of living with a man that don't love you? just end it when he does it again.

" Dont cheat ur lovable once... because... Ice melts when heated..... Eyes melts when cheated..... "

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