Hello everyone, i'm gonna tell you about my story , Yah i'm deeply confused about my love life. i love some one who is very good at heart, very caring and very sweet . I love him a lot and wanna stay with him whole life but sometimes i feel, and i pray to God, "he'll get back his love". He had a girlfriend before, but she left him , after 3 years we met. When i met him first day i thought he's a very funny guy and i thought about him that he's a very bad guy.But slowly i understand about him y he's sometimes angry on me, rude, avoiding, sometimes he wants to spend his time with his own way i.e.alone or tensed. He always trying to show, he is a very strong guy from heart but no he's totally opposite always try to hides his emotions. we are very close, we had all, most of the time i stayed with him. But things is that he's a married guy, he'v a son but his wife is left him and she took her son with her, he tried a lot from his side but she not responding, his parents also tried but she replied that not to call any more, she is very rich girl, As a man from her side financially he's average. Now coming to my point i'm confused that he wants me every time with him. He showing me lots of love towards me, sometimes he share with me all his problems and all. So peeps, i just want to know that shall i stay with him without thinking anything till he get his love. No doubt i always ready to pray for him that he'll get his love back. Or shall i give up from this unknown relationship and leave him alone. But my mind and heart always says to me that ,"do not leave him, never till his love get back." Peeps please suggest me.... Help me....!!!!! Thanks to all in advance.
10 years ago
Okay, I just a stupid fourteen year old so my advice may not always or ever be the best. But I think you're a loyal, wise friend and lover to stay with your boyfriend through your relationships 'tough times' and to understand his pain. I think you should stay with him and if his ex does come back(which I personally find unlikely)let him choose and let him know that know matter who he chooses you will be there for him(this may/may not hurt). If you want to KNOW for sure how you can help him with his heartbreak ASK HIM. Get him in his best mood then get pensive/sad looking. When he asks what's wrong tell him everything and ask him all you want to know in the most sensitive way physically possible. WARNING: I'M JUST 14 AND HAVE BEEN IN A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP. GET SOMEONE OLDER AND SMARTER'S OPINION BEFORE USING MY ADVICE.
10 years ago
Okay, I just a stupid fourteen year old so my advice may not always or ever be the best. But I think you're a loyal, wise friend and lover to stay with your boyfriend through your relationships 'tough times' and to understand his pain. I think you should stay with him and if his ex does come back(which I personally find unlikely)let him choose and let him know that know matter who he chooses you will be there for him(this may/may not hurt). If you want to KNOW for sure how you can help him with his heartbreak ASK HIM. Get him in his best mood then get pensive/sad looking. When he asks what's wrong tell him everything and ask him all you want to know in the most sensitive way physically possible. WARNING: I'M JUST 14 AND HAVE BEEN IN A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP. GET SOMEONE OLDER AND SMARTER'S OPINION BEFORE USING MY ADVICE.
hey my name is Shania and i agree with your advice. your a pretty wise 14 year old
10 years ago
Don't fall in love with some¹ who says the right things .. Fall in love with some¹ who does the right things .... Happy Valentine's day
10 years ago
Dont join with him..may be his wife left because of his bad habbits..he over acting he may have more gf s...i think he is just using you...go and find your own
life kid..don't live with others opinion..find out own your
10 years ago
Plz koi meri helf karo me usse kaise kahu ke me usse kitna pyar karta hu
" Without His love I can do nothing, with His love there is nothing I cannot do. "
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