she had also one lover but

13 years ago

how will i impress my lover so much? i have expressed my proposal to her. still she was in confused to do love love me. her lover is a drunk guy,she is a christian,but he is not. i am converted christian. she and i lived in various cities. she meet me by one missed call. still i have maintain contact with me. finally she says that "i can't live with you" with me. she have scare about her first lover. so my asking conclusion is that how will manage my love and life with her.

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" oh God, I strongly believe that "Every thing happens for Good"But When you really knew that, It's not gonna work out then ... " » Full Quote

- KSIDL» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)