I'm crushing on someone or I fancy him. But my friend had a crush on him first. They were closer friends than I am. I wanted him to notice me or be close to me as a friend only as much as he is close to my friend. I wanted an advice to be closer to him or to notice me.
13 years ago
if you have crush.... dont take it seriously because after some time or some days it will melt like an ice cube . but if u want to be closer ... u must be carefull or u will hurt urself each time he talks to ur friend.... my advice dont get too close to him (because he as a close friend already). Be good friends with him....if he likes you more...he will come to you for sure.
13 years ago
Thanks for the advice!!! It'll help me a lot.
" "Your the brightest brilliant I've ever seen;cause you light the darkest place that I've never seen." "
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |