i love her so much and she also but there is family and other situations disturb us alot and both want to talk and meet but situations makes us sad i want to make her my life partner but its seems not bright ... so kindly advise what should i have to do i love her like never before she knows everything about but situations...... pls advise m sick about her friends saying she is playing with me m very upset,,,,
12 years ago
sit her down talk to her seriously and ask her how she feel and tell her how you feel and you guys come together and make a decision .. forget about friends in love the don't matter.
" "To my dying breathe i cannot forget you, to my aching heart i cannot touch you but still after all the pain i felt my mind ... " » Full Quote
- Jharana C. (im only 12 ._.)» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |