11 years ago
Me and my beautiful wife hhave been together for 6 years but only married for 1 and I put her through a lot of bs and I mean a lot so last week she moved to here parents house 100 miles away and want to work on things but does not wanna come back to my town what do I do
11 years ago
You should tell her you are sorry about putting you through all of the bs PLEASE COME BACK HOME.I miss you,then you tell her,"you look so beautiful and if she says yes then you tell her you love her.Its really simple(don't say its really simple to her)
" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "
- jody mentel» Love Quotes
Love Poem - En Kadhali
Author: Phoenix babu★★★ |
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Ne Un kalanikalai kuda Pookadai ilthan Vankinai. |