Quitting Love..?

13 years ago

what should you do in case the person you love is already loving someone for a year and told you to stop though she told you there's a chance between you and her..?

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  • 13 years ago

    Just be friends. Take it from there, I mean you can be friends and still love her and just sorta flirt so you don't lose the whole "I love you" vibe......

  • 13 years ago

    Just be friends. Take it from there, I mean you can be friends and still love her and just sorta flirt so you don't lose the whole "I love you" vibe......

    i've done it now... thank you..! but still it's not crystal clear to me if i can carry on with this...

" Beginings Are UsuallY Scary, Endings Are Usually Sad. But Its Everything In Between That Makes The Life WorthWild . "

- Ivana» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love

Author: Prabeen★★★★
love is life
life is not a love
love and have a good life