pls help me out

13 years ago

i and my partner love each other, but now we are depressed coz her family wants her to get married with someone else, no one knows about our relation except our friends. there's one more problem of casteism, i'm hindu and she is muslim. i love her more than my life, i don't wanna lose her. if this happens i'm totally finished..
pls help me out..

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  • pav
    13 years ago

    sourav, buddy, " i am totally finished"? wt do u mean by that....sorry but it shows you are very weak in love or not mature enough to even to be in love.

    dude, plz dont feel its the end of the world.... i completely understand ur situation as i was in ur shoes too. sourav, take time and think again , weather u guys could be happy by fighting with parents n all.....its very very hard sourav. Love hurts.... but if it does even after "inter cast marriage" then u will never be happy. so, my advice for u is, you must give a lot of thought and make sure u will keep are happy and u should never regret ur decesion. take time..... act wise.. good luck sourav.

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