Well I'm really stuck so here goes nothing. Well at the beginning of the year I met a guy and he is super nice. Then a girl (who lets call Cate) and me became friends. We were really close and she knew I liked this guy. But in October we had a camping trip and she told me (along with another friend) that they both liked him and were scared to tell me. I accepted it and was happy bout it. But they started isolating me and another friend who lets call Ana. Then Ana told me she kind of liked him too, but also liked another boy. Fast-forward and Cate has been following him around and stalking him. He notices and tries to get away from her. Well he started talking to me a lot (even thought we only have 2 classes together). Offering tips so I can improve with soccer and always joking with me. Then we were practicing for an assembly and I had been dared to ask out his best friend who lets call Terry. Me and Terry have a brother-sister relationship, were always acting like we hate each other . But we always stick together. So I did and I made it clear to Terry that it was a dare. He said no while the guy I like said yes!!!!! I started to smile until my friends asked what had happened and Cate looked ready to cry and kill me when I told her the answer. Now my other friend who lets call Linda is always calling me his girlfriend. And he blows kisses to me and makes hearts with his fingers all the time to me. Other annoying habits of his (even b4 the dare) are that he always is looking at me (even during tests) eavesdropping on my conservations, smiling at me and randomly touching me. ( on my shoulder or back, get your minds out of the gutter!!) And where I live its common for boys to hug you randomly and pick you up. He's not from where I live (neither am I). So a boy picked me up and he looked ready to punch him. So I'm confused. Please help me with Cate and the guy!!! __Replies are appreciated!!_
" Relationship is not just a word, It's perfect match between two souls, It's a silent commitment, Which says, I will be with ... " » Full Quote
- nazzii punk yogesh» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love
Author: Prabeen★★★★ |
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love is life life is not a love love and have a good life love,love,love |