wat to do if my lover is not giving me proper time n ignoring me?and same i am also ignoring him so he cannot feel that i am feeling his ignority
13 years ago
Ur ignorance shws dat u dnt feel bad about ur luvrs ignorance.. U shud tel hm about d prblm u r facing... A relationshp needs a bit tym.. Mke hm undrstnd n u dnt ignore.
13 years ago
Ur ignorance shws dat u dnt feel bad about ur luvrs ignorance.. U shud tel hm about d prblm u r facing... A relationshp needs a bit tym.. Mke hm undrstnd n u dnt ignore.
13 years ago
I want love i am getting mad with my love
13 years ago
I am geeta plz help me my lover is forget me 1month he also came my life now i dont no he is why come my life
" Why Do We Love People We Know Will Hurt Us, Yet We Sit There And Wish They Would Come Back And Love Us The Way We Love Them. "
- Heart» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Your Love Is Like Ecstasy
Author: Craven Dukes★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Drowning in the ocean of you and through the warmth of the water, your eyes are the only ones I see. Your eyes feel like a warm breath taking ray of light. ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |