13 years ago
hw i say her dat i luv her so much........wen she is not talking wit me.she knws dat i luv her but if i propose her she accepts me or not...i see her daily but dnt have dat much dare to go nd talk.should i talk her daily if she is not intrested in me......how to knw dat she has intrest in me or not.plzz sujjest ur valuable information for me...ty
13 years ago
if you'll not dare to tell her than you never can get her.just go to her take a breath, and se her you love him and turn.all the best
" Beginings Are UsuallY Scary, Endings Are Usually Sad. But Its Everything In Between That Makes The Life WorthWild . "
- Ivana» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Take This Ring
Author: Xavier Johnson★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I used to ask myself what love is all about. I only know that it's something I cannot be without. I think of you when I wake and before I sleep. Not having you to complete me just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |