11 years ago
I still really love my ex and its been since august and he likes photos I share but only the ones that I share because I think of him.
11 years ago
Tell him/her how you feel! And if they don't feel the same anymore than just play it cool and try to still be friends! If its meant to be then it will be and if not than that special someone is still waiting for you too
" Paradise is always where love dwells. "
- Jean Paul F. Richter » Love Quotes
Love Poem - She Promised Me...
Author: Hazem al jaber★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
She promised me... a phone pealed... even felt its ring before it peals... its a was a sweethearts` phone.. run so fast to pick a phone... ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |