12 years ago
My crush, Blake keeps staring at me and blushes everywhere we go he always has to look at me and be by me
does this mean he likes me?
12 years ago
Hey if thnk he nt in love with u ,, i thnk his plane s to FCUK with u,,, tht y she lineg at u evry day ,,,, so b carful abut tht guy
,,,, -
12 years ago
hello abigail
may be u shud try asking him, if he likes u, go out for a coffee and talk things out to know, if he rele loves u :)
all the best!!! -
12 years ago
DEFINETLY!!!!!!!!:):):):):) I'm so happy for u but try to flip your hair when around him
Good Luck:D
" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love And Valentines Day
Author: Cheyenne★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
your the one i love, forever and for always, we will be together all of our days, i want to wake up every morning to your sweet face always! to.henry ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |