Mad Boyfriend...

13 years ago

my boyfriend is mad at me, he read my facebook messages between this guy i know. this guy was my "bestfriend" but i guess we "flirted alot". but one night me and my boyfriend weren't really talking. but i was talking to this other guy and i called him a dickweed (called my boyfriend) and he went on my facebook and read it. after that he got extreamly mad at me and wouldnt talk to me or say i love you back. its been a few days but he is still mad at me. hes supposed to spend the night tonight but its almost 10 and he hasnt showed up yet. he wont answer my calls or texts and i dont know what to do. im scared hes gonna breakup with me but i love him so much.. what do i do? to make him not mad anymore. i dont wanna lose him..

Post Your Reply

  • 13 years ago

    I am a boy and u should say sorry and make up with him and go out somewhere

  • 12 years ago

    aww im so srry u should tell him how u dont wanna lose him and all that stuff and look straight into his eyes while saying it to then whisper softly ti amo it means i luv u in both spanish and italian then slowly kess him deeply i hope it works good luck

  • Pav
    12 years ago

    ABBY ....i guess u forgot to see a thin line btw ur boyfriend and best friend. Best friends are always there in our lives, to be with us n help us in need.... no doubt they are important in life! (but, in this case ur bestfriend is a "boy" so, its a big problem, if it was a girl then ur boyfriend would not have cared abt ur fb" ....anyways... before you say sorry to ur boyfriend...i want you to be clear in ur head, abt ur best friend..dont ever confuse he is a repleasment for ur bf (during fights or laughs) draw a line...n make it clear to ur boyfriend. and YES if u r in a relationship then plz STOP flirting with others... its completely unworthy n waste of time at the end... btw are u making ur best-friend as a BACKUP?? for ur boyfriend??? .......anyways..... u got to say sorry n make things clear ...n stop flirting..... (otherwise, one day ur best-friend's girlfriend will have same problem! n you will be the person to blame! )

  • 12 years ago

    My boyfriend angry with me i tell him why he dont answer my text. He text me and i dont reply him. I call him but i did not speak . Untill now he didnt text me or call. I send him many messages but he did not reply and i call him he oesnt answer me. What can i do that my boyfriend talk to me? I love him so much i dont want to lose him.

  • 12 years ago

    My boyfriend angry with me i tell him why he dont answer my text. He text me and i dont reply him. I call him but i did not speak . Untill now he didnt text me or call. I send him many messages but he did not reply and i call him he oesnt answer me. What can i do that my boyfriend talk to me? I love him so much i dont want to lose him.

  • 12 years ago

    if you really love him somuch.... then all this is good. Fights are inevitable in any relationship... the key solution is how do you settle your fights, so, Leslie,is this a long distance relationship? if not stop fighting on phones... its no use.anyways, if he answers ur call, stay calm and dont argue ...let him speak and explain things ... you say "sorry" and say u love him and end the call. let him come to u and you can tell ur problem n make him understand things. bythe way. "if you say does not mean you are wrong and he is right! only means you care more about ur love than him!!!!! hope you dont lose him.

" I love you, but you will never know just how deeply those 3 words mean for me. "

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Author: Phoenix babu★★★
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