love/ relationship

11 years ago

I love this boy. How do I know That He Loves Me Back. He Says He Loves Me But How do I know its True. How do I know That He Loves Me Back.

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  • 11 years ago

    Actions speak louder than words. Any one can tell you they love you, but it is how they treat you that tells you how they clearly feel. IF he is caring, loving, respectful, generous, helpful etc. You get the idea. If he understands you and makes an effort to make you happy. All show that he loves you!

" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love And Valentines Day

Author: Cheyenne★★★
your the one i love, forever and for always,
we will be together all of our days, i want
to wake up every morning to your sweet face
to.henry ...(Cont.)