Love relation problem

13 years ago

i hav a BF.. he loves me lot.. and we will planing to get married. he is a business man.. but our parents are not ready for this relation..becoze of cast, state, language.. etc..
I m Maharashtrian Girl. and he is a Bihari Boy.. we both hav totally different culture. that's why our parents not ready for our marriage. what to do?

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  • 13 years ago

    we r in love with each other since last 3 yrs.. we r net friends..but now we r in a sweet relationship of love.. we want marry ..but our parents creates lots of trouble in our relation. they don't want this relation.. becoz or our different cast, religion, language, state, etc..that's why they oppose us..wht to do?

" I will still love you with all that I have even though you are not mine... not because I'm a fool.... It is simply because ... " » Full Quote

- saatish kumar @ jay» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love

Author: Prabeen★★★★
love is life
life is not a love
love and have a good life