love problem

13 years ago

hi i m in relationship for last 3 years and now i feel my gf is going away from me.when i met her she was very reserved kind of person .....due some reason i got change for her and become same as she was..... but now she again got changed (full open minded etc) n now i dnt like some of her things which she do ... n we indulge in lots of quarrels almost everyday and she dont want to chande or have little bit of compro in her life and u tell being a human how can i change again n again and for the sake of our relation i did lots of thing for her but she dnt do anything approx 90 % and say ki mere se jitna hoga mai utna kar rahi she sometimes behave like that she ignored me and one of the thing which i dont like she talks sometimes late at night wid her male friend.plz help me out i cant live without her n dont want that our relationship stops here plz help what to do.....i have done more than 100 % ...

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  • 13 years ago

    If you argue a lot, that isn't a good sign especially if you find it easy to find things to argue about. I think you should end it or else you will be unhappy for longer.

  • 13 years ago

    If you argue a lot, that isn't a good sign especially if you find it easy to find things to argue about. I think you should end it or else you will be unhappy for longer.

    nicely said weegirl, happy to see girl speaks boldly. As said stop arguing

  • 13 years ago

    i think that she is trying to see u in jaelousy that's why she used to talk with her male friend late night some girls wanted to know that how much a guy luv him but sometimes the way of knowing this is wrong she is doing the same....................

  • 13 years ago

    yaar if u see ur gf/bf is doing that thing again and again then what do u do?at one paticular time u will speak to her na.and this thing is happen regularly then
    WEEGIRL and true lover: in this kind of situation if u taked to her regarding this then automatically conflict occur and both become sad and if i dnt taked to her then automatically whole day spend thinging about this then again m gona sad.and at the end if she dnt understand and dnt realise her mistake then u cant imagine what happnd to me...

    TANYA:jealous???????? tell me one thing if she realy want to make me feel jealous then now she have her answer that me felling jealous.....if this thing is true then it is for the limited period(the process of jealousing) not regularly...........
    think again >>>>>

  • 13 years ago

    Well are you going to be unhappy forever because you're too chicken to talk to her? If you aren't going to take on peoples advice there is no point asking for it, It is called Love Advice after all. You argue a lot, and when you try and discuss things (like your situation) rationally you argue more. There is more to a relationship than fighting. There is your answer read my comment again and think about your relationship again.

" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)