Love Lost

13 years ago

I had a girl friend since college.We were very very attached to each other but after the end of our college she went to some other course and started showing dis-interest and boredum in me.I have not changed at all being associated with my work.Why did she did this to me.I am totally shattered.This was totally unexpected from her part.I have'nt even thought in my weirdest dreamz that she would do this to me.

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  • 13 years ago

    hey vijayender ,always love a person who loves u ,not to whom u love
    may be she could find that she will not be happy with u or thinking abt something else so don't get dis haerted,find the correct reason for her behaviour then decide

" I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was ... " » Full Quote

- Margaret Mitchell» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Incomplete

Author: Landsley Alexandre★★★★
I feel incomplete, I am missing a part of me
I am a puzzle, but I wonder where is my
crucial piece
How can I be whole, if you have left me
unfinished ...(Cont.)