love advice

13 years ago

i like a boy we both are friends i had helped him in every way i can to come out of his problems in life he comes from a conservative family once when i tried to get close to him he said he like a girl and her name is sweety and from different field then i was on my way but as i love him i kept on helping him whenever he was in problem or needed help then one day he said that his friends dont understand what is between us and we dont get time to be together because of them now i dont understand weather he is in love with me or friendly or just flirting because he said he liked another girl or was this statement a excuse as he needed time and he is from conservative family please help me??????????

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  • 13 years ago

    if you are viewing this then please do reply as i really need help

" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "

- jody mentel» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Wish I Was There

Author: Jake Rhea★★★★
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing
your voice
The life that swirls around me now is just
blank noise
Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.)