14 years ago
just say it
14 years ago
I feel for you I knw how u feel I have bn in da sme position as u and I hope u are able 2 gt through this tough time u can always tlk 2 me if u need help it isnt easy being famous as what u may thk it is always turn bk 2 gd 4 help yl always hav someone 2 tlk 2!
love Justin xx
" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - An Illness
Author: Huney'Beeh★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
This pain in my heart that I can't explain, Each day this pain I gain and gain Wish you were with me But this is what we call destiny. You can't always get what you want ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |