
9 years ago

Hi, This is Che i am an employee. 6 months back a woman proposed me,she is married and a mother of 2 kids.At 1st i tried to convince her saying that its just a phase which she is going through and that she will be out of it.She is 7 years elder to me.I observed her for 2 months whether she has gotten out of this feeling or not.but she dint and gradually i fell for for her.and we have crossed all the barriers of our relationship.She said that sex not at all a constraint in our relation.And hers was a love marriage.And now i feel longing for her and asked her as a request to dont make love to her hubby.(i know it is really stupid to ask so).and she said that she will it has been 8 months since our relationship has started.And couple of days back she said that she is feeling bad for not making love to him as he is just doing it while she is sleeping.and that she is asking me to not to ask her about having sex with her hubby.Now i feel like she is distancing me.If she is distancing me.i want to get out of this feeling and neither of us cant leave this workplace as we hold a good salary package.And i am single.Please reply me to this mail ASAP.

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Love Poem - FINE

Author: Britney★★★
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE
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