
11 years ago

I am in love with a girl from the past 3 years, she also loves me a lot. but suddenly from the past few days a guy started flirting with her and she says that the guy is her good friend. Even sometimes she too flirts with him, I'm working in bangalore and my girlfriend is in west bengal, she is a student. Everyday the guy calls him in the night,, whenever i try to talk to her, almost everytime i find her number is in waiting, she has two phones,, she picks up my phone and informs me that she is talking to that guy and after around 2 or 3 mins she disconnects my call, and then she continues talking to him. After around 1 and half hours she gives me a call and then we satrt talking,, with some emotional talks and some fights. they even started meeting with each other everyday. please help me i want my girlfriend back, what should i do? i love her so much, even she too loves me, then she is doing all this stuffs i don't know.. please help me. I am unable to concentrate on my work, even i started hurting myself which she knows very well. but she is not coming back. why?

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  • 11 years ago

    just be really nice to her. to be fair its her own choice. but if you fight with her, shes not gonna want you anymore. be a really good friend to her and then she''l choose between you... even if she goes for him i advise you to still be a really good friend for her, because one day she'll realise that you love her more than anyone else and come back! good luck :)

  • 11 years ago

    Hi Kaustav,

    You got to understand the mentality for girls. They tend to behave like kids in a toy shop (especially students). As per what I have seen, long distance relationship is always complicated. Girls always like to be surrounded by the people they are interested in. You got to meet your loved one atleast once in a day (This gives you a hold over her and you will know what happens in her life daily). But, you both are in different places. You got to show more love towards her. Dont get upset with silly things and dont fight with her. Always remember, the ball is in the opponents court. Think wisely....

  • 11 years ago

    i luv my bf more dan my lyf.he orks in d same office dat of my mother.but now my mom is sayin dat he is having affair with a40yrs old lady in d same mom is having a fight with him since last 1yr.he got fed up by all dese and stopped talking 2 me.but i have full faith dat he doesnt have afffair with dat lady.i dont want 2 loose my luv.i want 2 mother is not ready 2 listen anything.what shall i do now?

" oh God, I strongly believe that "Every thing happens for Good"But When you really knew that, It's not gonna work out then ... " » Full Quote

- KSIDL» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Yours Never Again

Author: Ashley★★★
forever and for alaways
to NEVER be
yours again
even if you never knew
for i am through with ...(Cont.)