
11 years ago

i love a girl we used to chat daily. We both known to each and everything about each other. she is 4 yrs younger then me. I'd asked her 4 relationship but she has a prob that i'd girlfriend in ma past and because of this she is not ready to b in relationship with me.... PLEASE SUGGEST ME SOMETHING SO THAT SHE WILL SAY YES.....!!!

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" oh God, I strongly believe that "Every thing happens for Good"But When you really knew that, It's not gonna work out then ... " » Full Quote

- KSIDL» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Take This Ring

Author: Xavier Johnson★★★
I used to ask myself what love is all about.
I only know that it's something I cannot be
without. I think of you when I wake and
before I sleep. Not having you to complete me
just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.)