
13 years ago

My name is ritika and i have been in a relationship with a gay for 3 years now i have moved to other city...and continuing in a long distance relationship which is getting harder for me as I come to know that my boyfriend lies to me alot...our common friends tells me his lies and whenever i want to know the truth he ends up fighting me,telling me those things which a girl friend would never like to hear..he is not even ready to break our relationship..i love him a lot but things are just too messed up...i really need you help...please help me..

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  • 13 years ago

    jst hav a talk wid ur BF and ask him to get these problems sorted out b4 u reach ur level of frustration. make sure you will talk very calm even if he gets angry, he might try u to get angry which will b easy 4 him to avoid this topic. so listen him and try to get ur answers calmly. u need this relation but he should not involve in multiple relations, it will keep ur future unsure.

  • 13 years ago

    jus talk to him... make him understand, hw important he is to u..! ask him directly.. wy he is doin all these...?? he may get anger or end up in fighting... bt u have to patience... talk softly... and clear ur doubts.. all b best..

" If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. "

- Alfred Lord Tennyson» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Yours Never Again

Author: Ashley★★★
forever and for alaways
to NEVER be
yours again
even if you never knew
for i am through with ...(Cont.)