Hi frns..tis hapnd n my frnd life.she s dng mbbs now.b4 1yr she gt frwrds frm a unknwn no.wn she aske who s tat she came to knw he s a guy dng mba.tey strtd to chat.bth became close frnds.aftr 2 mnths he proposd her.since she likd hm he accptd.tey met one day.thn fr long days tey din meet each othr.wn she cald he used to say he s busy cnt come.since thr was no way my frnd cald hm to her home one nyt.he agreed to cum.tat day tey became closer nd crossed d limit.tat guy wnt d nxt mrng.i found some difrnce n my frnd wn i askd her abt tat she tld wt hapnd tat nyt.she s a very innocent n a silent gal.she was d nly gal n our class who hates boys.but i dono wt made her to fal in luv.he din cntct her fr mny days.later he told tat he dont like her.my frnd got shockd.he din stop wid tat he scolded her badly.d day my frnd cried s stil n frnt of my eyes.i tld her to frgt him.she also accptd.bt aftr few days he cld her agn.wn she heard his voice she became totaly off.thr relatnshp continued bt nt as b4.bt my frnd s madly luvn him.agn he stopd contcn her.wn he needs money r smthn else he vl cal her.she blindly trustd hm n gv hm.for d past few mnths agn prblm strtd betwn dem.wn she askd him he told,'i dnt hav ny feeln nw.v vl b frns.agn if i gt tat feeln i vl say'.dis s agn a shockn one to her.IS TIS REALLY A LOVE???????my frnd s frm a well off family whereas he s d one nt evn earning Rs10000 per mnth.He s jst usng her fr his needs.he realised abt tat guy.but she cudn frgt him.i cant c my frnd daily cryin..v need sum bdy guidance...if i advice her she s sayn,'i crossd d limit.i wnt to b true to one persn n my life.hw to marry smbby nd cheat him.'really i dono wt to do.she s a jovial girl.bt nw i cannot c smile n her face.she s sayn i hate to live n tis fake wrld.if she marry him wil her life b gud..???pls frns...guide my frnd..
13 years ago
tell to ur friend > are she really need tht guy love ? or family , if tht guy is best for she ? she need to br happy , and not for love she must be crying2 y she must hurt ? in tht time is tht guy crying too she do no rt ? so better ask she think n think alwys . tc
13 years ago
I would like to say that is try to avoid his call. try to realise what the world is? tell her to read some knowledgable books.. and she is vergin now. tell her to dont feel abut the past. i dont say to think about ur family just think bout your future there is a lots of things to do and go with... and finaly when rains the birds find shelter but eagle fly over the rain... anyone can advise you but you have to get the soln...If yo have any problem you can contact me. my id is [email protected]..
GBU sister... -
13 years ago
say to ur frnd to leave him.if she marry him thr s no guarante tat he wont say d same thng and leav her.nobdy s gud tdy.fr evryone thr wil b a past story.better frgt hm.she s a doctr many ppl lives r n her hand.she shud b proud enough to b a doctr.wen she completes her studies successfuly and come out automatically evrythn wil cum to her..al d best..
13 years ago
i love my smile.... bcz it smiles after seeing u...
i love my eyes..... bcz it has never seen someone as beauty full as u....
i love my hands..... bcz it touches u.......
i love my heart..... bcz it loves u and only u.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,''''''''''
..............$#@!-$@$............... -
13 years ago
i love my smile.... bcz it smiles after seeing u...
i love my eyes..... bcz it has never seen someone as beauty full as u....
i love my hands..... bcz it touches u.......
i love my heart..... bcz it loves u and only u.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,''''''''''
..............$#@!-$@$............... -
13 years ago
she wil get a gud life partner.tel her to frgt him.if she marry him her life wil b hell.
13 years ago
" "To my dying breathe i cannot forget you, to my aching heart i cannot touch you but still after all the pain i felt my mind ... " » Full Quote
- Jharana C. (im only 12 ._.)» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sisterly Love
Author: Savannah★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Sisterly love, Sisterly love isn't just any love it's A speicial kind of love it's when u ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |