Is it genuine love?

11 years ago

I'm now in a 10 month serious relationship. My boyfriend already introduced me to his family and to some friends. He is a good provider to me when it comes to my needs. What I'm complaining about him is that he seems so very strict in a way that he doesn't want our relationship to be very visible in other people's eyes. One example is, he doesn't allow me to post pictures in social media sites like facebook. Also, he doesn't want me to check his phone and even view his social media accounts. Is he hiding something from me, or what? These crazy things are making me paranoid and insane. Please give me some words to ponder. Thank you.

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" "The way I chose to express my Love to you might have gone wrong, but the True Love I have for you is always ... " » Full Quote

- Maheshwari....» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Love You Lots&lots Like Jelly Tots

Author: Erica★★
I love you lots and lots make the sound of
jelly tots , make them mine or make them
yours ,make them take the appletrots. We had
our blast till the very end we make it tend
and spent the tent . Had our spots with the ...(Cont.)