Is falling in luv wid ur cousin rite??

12 years ago

I am 18 yrs. old...nd my cousin is also 18 yrs old... nd we both luv each other... i just wanna knw is this rite...???

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  • 12 years ago

    hi neelima age is not an important yar go if ur love true means go love is a life yar

  • 12 years ago

    Hi. I read your situation and I think you should just stay close family members. But if you guys really like each other like that then go ahead. But only do wat you think is right for you. People have done it before so....... Yh. :3 good luck, hope this helps!

  • 12 years ago

    well to me it isnt right like me dating my cousin cuz none of them are my age well if u guys really really luv each other try it out but it would probably be awkward for the rest of ya family and probably u guys but i say go for it try it out good luck!!

  • 12 years ago

    TO be in love w/cousin is not unheard of however, depending on how close a relative and if it last you may want to reconsider not making children together.

  • 12 years ago

    ya shabab this claeld toilet comedy, its normal walah, in Hollywood they make fun of almost everybody,look at "scary movie" and other funny movies that are toilet humor, so don't be damn sensitive this will make them happy and god knows whats next, i only hope we can do the same here loool , its only a wish i hope one day comes true. cause its discomfiting how we are getting robbed from our oil money and its spent on (i cant say his name or his kids name cause i might get killed), and yes i hope one day we all wake up from this dream and be happy like before same time as the 80's ohhhhhhhhh only a dream

  • 12 years ago

    That's really tnhiking at an impressive level

  • 12 years ago

    Another group from the premier ugaele of techno bringers!!! Sooo many brilliant times enoyin their tunes(enjoyed along with either doves,biscuits,or BOTH!!!)Respect and thanx.

  • 12 years ago

    shrm nai ate cxn sae lov krte ho sham on u

  • 12 years ago

    Falling in love w/ ur cumin is not bad. My sister is now happily married to our cousin, they are both very happy and do not regret their desicion. If u feel like this is wat u want, well then there should be no hollywood junk stopping u.
    Good luck,
    Cupid <3

  • 11 years ago

    well, if u both luv each other, then i guess its alright!! if he's okay with it, and ur okay with it, then its right!! dont worry, ur not the only one. im 12 yrs old, and im in luv with MY cousin, he's 14 yrs old. he luvs me back as well. but we both havent admitted it 2 each other yet.

  • 11 years ago

    yes....... make sure no other people try to say rude comments about you

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Sisterly love,
Sisterly love isn't just any love
A speicial kind of love it's when
u ...(Cont.)