9 years ago
am in relationship where by my man is after money and his work,he does have time for me but he perfer hanging out with his friends most of the night.his life is full of work his children and friends but thoes not have my time;the only time we spent is just to talk of his business or work.
9 years ago
Want know if he is lñvôlvè with someone else or lg he is after money? Judy and Clarence
" I'm praying to forget him after he told me thats his wish... damn painful.He is still not the same who was crazy on me! " » Full Quote
- Sindhu» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sisterly Love
Author: Savannah★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Sisterly love, Sisterly love isn't just any love it's A speicial kind of love it's when u ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |