13 years ago

there is this guy who looks at me all the time and alway trys touching me. hes a player but my friend says he has change his ways. i really like him but im still in love with a ex crush who had passed on in a car accident. everyone says i have to move on but i cant. i only like him and the one who died in a accident. we dont know each other that well but he was horrible to me when we talked on facebook. my friend said he did not know it was me as that is not my real name. he seems to stare at me alot and tell his friend to try talking to me. my best friends cousin is one of his close friends and they always seem to be pointing at me and her alot. she said he likes me but i dont now please help

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" The first time you fall in love, it changes your life for ever...and no matter how hard you try the feeling never goes away "

- Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Missing You

Author: Harani★★★★
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes
which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u
cant read d eyes which loves yo