I love him, but he hates me

12 years ago

I've loved this guy for 3 years and he hates me and ive tried to get over him but i cant. im such a failure. he makes me depressed and i dont want him to know that cos he might feel bad and i dont want to hurt him, but he probably wouldnt care. i love him so much and hes gonna leave me in just over a year and im gonna miss him so much.what can i do?

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  • 12 years ago

    Hey i seriously understand ur feeling because i too am neck deep in love with a girl for 2 and half years but i don't think she loves me..it kills me from the inside when i see her being happy with other guys who flirt with a lot of girls besides her..sorry i got carried over about myself too much..anyways my point is that if these people we love so much can't understand how much we care about them, it's best that we try to divert our mind to something else..whenever u start thinking about that guy,i wud suggest u do some hobby u really love doing.. and also think that another wonderful person is waiting for a caring person like u in this huge world..u just have to find him :) Hope this helped..cheers

  • 12 years ago

    Hey i seriously understand ur feeling because i too am neck deep in love with a girl for 2 and half years but i don't think she loves me..it kills me from the inside when i see her being happy with other guys who flirt with a lot of girls besides her..sorry i got carried over about myself too much..anyways my point is that if these people we love so much can't understand how much we care about them, it's best that we try to divert our mind to something else..whenever u start thinking about that guy,i wud suggest u do some hobby u really love doing.. and also think that another wonderful person is waiting for a caring person like u in this huge world..u just have to find him :) Hope this helped..cheers

    thankyou so much that really helped...you didnt get carried away over yourself, dont worry, you said exactly the right thing :) it is really irritating that i cant get him and i always get really jealous if i see him round another girl which is really selfish i know. yeah i try not to think about him but its hard :( thanks x

" love is something which we see through our eyes immensely. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sex

Author: Cc lajuette★★★
he says that he loves you you say it to. he
pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows
that you love him but he still dose it to. 9
months later you plow up and next thing you
no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.)