I like this guy in the year above , and I hang around with their group of friends , because they invited me to sit with them on a school trip to Paris. According to his friends , he has never been that nice to anyone they have ever known, but I do not know whether it is because I am a year younger or not.... My friends claim they catch him glancing at me when he thinks no one is looking , but I am pretty dubious. And there is a rumour going around in his year that I like one of his friends , even though they know it is not true. In my year , a former friend spread the rumour that I like him, but I do not think he knows. My friends make it kind of obvious I like him, but whenever he speaks to me, his tone always softens a bit , and he is always so polite, but we rarely speak because I do not want to start a fuss with the rumours in his year by sitting with them ( They are pretty bad ) . His group is all boys, and he rarely talks to any other girls... He has never been out with anyone either... What should I do? Do you think he likes me back?
" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Missing You
Author: Harani★★★★ |
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Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves yo |