I dont like her

8 years ago

What do you do if you like a girl, but she's way out of your league and way taller than you and older by a bit but youre in the same age group, then another girl who should be more compatible with you likes you but you still like the other girl, how do you get the taller one to like you

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  • 8 years ago

    Talk to her and if it goes well wonderful and if not dont waist your time on someone who will never appricate your love because you cant force any one to like you

" Soul meets soul on lover's lips. "

- Percy Bysshe Shelly» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sinner

Author: Ashley Ng★★★
You are a sinner in the church,
Who are masqueraded as a gentleman,
And lie to the maiden,
With your honey speech,
You are a fallen angel, ...(Cont.)